Welcome Amazing Soul, I’m Zsoka 

“I often think I must have been a sea turtle in a former life, because I have such a deep connection with water – it fascinates, inspires and carries me on my path. Its mighty power and gentle touch.” – AquaZsoka

As stars paint stories in the sky, our family systems paint stories in our hearts like sacred constellations. Zsoka, a Certified Family and Systemic Constellations Facilitator, helps you to connect with and hear the stories of your ancestors during her sessions. This powerful modality has the means to heal inter-generational traumas, and in return it can bring shifts and transformations in your current life.

Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Zsoka practices this beautiful ancient art, often called the acupuncture of a space. Your environment has such a deep effect that it can support or weaken you in any area of your life. Zsoka will guide you to discover blocks, offer solutions and create flow as together you access the wisdom Feng Shui has to offer.

Zsoka, a Certified Personal Energy (Aura) Reader since 2016 has done hundreds of readings.  She has the ability to tune in deeply and connect to your higher self. Accessing Akashic Records, she is able to uncover blocks and deliver messages that shine light on your present life.

A devoted Moondancer, Zsoka has danced for 4 years in the OllinthlahuiMetztli Moondance in Teotihuacan, Mexico before she was initiated as a Sacred Pipe Carrier for life in 2018 and received the Nahautl name of Tezca Atlzin ~ Reflection of the Water. An honour to walk with the Moon and practice sacred, Earth-based rituals in her everyday life, Zsoka also carries the Temazcal (sweatlodge) Medicine from this Mexhica (Aztec) lineage.

Zsoka offers one-on-one sessions in Feng Shui, Aura Reading or Family Constellations. She can be booked for single consultations or bundles. Zsoka also created  a rich collection of deep-dive programs to choose from. She is passionate in guiding you to recognize and connect with your soul’s purpose and reach your own North Star.

Prior to aligning with her soul’s purpose, Zsoka flourished in the corporate world. She graduated from two colleges with diplomas in Business Administration and Computing, as well as Web Programming and Graphic Design. She went on to teach project management and web programming at one of these colleges. Zsoka also worked as an executive assistant for a multinational company in Europe, and as a designer and programmer at a well established firm, and a start up in Vancouver. These laid a strong foundation and a practical container for the deeply mystical work she is doing now.  Like the turtle, AquaZsoka supports you as you navigate the waters of life, and offers steady and clear foundations to access the various streams of your soul-aligned journey to manifest and co-create transformations in your life.

Zsoka, a wife and mother of two growing teens, lives with her family on Salt Spring Island close to Mother Earth and the ocean, gardens on their beautiful land, connects with talented artists, fantastic chefs and organic farmers who produce a delicious cornucopia, and gathers with dear friends who share different interests and walks of life. She is infinitely grateful that she and her husband manifested this abundant life in a warm home filled with beauty and cherished moments.

Read more about her in My Story.

My core Principles



Hope for the Future

All we have to do is to look into the eyes of our children. Their innocence and desire to live a full life is palpable. I turn to nature to feel hopeful: I see creation in every moment and  trust that Mother Earth has the intelligence to heal herself and help us heal ourselves as well. Although it often feels like we are lost in our ways, I can’t help but see beauty and vibrant life all around me.

Enjoying Life with Ease and Flow

Allowing Life Force Energy (Chi) to flow through us effortlessly is the biggest gift we can give ourselves. Life is magical if we slow down enough to notice. It doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges to overcome, yet stressing over them will not get us ahead, at least not in a meaningful way. When we realize that life happens for us, not to us, we can be in the driver’s seat and ride the wave downstream, not against the current.

Aligning with My Soul

The single most essential task for us to do in this human life is to connect to our soul and figure out what our life’s mission is. We are all here for a reason. More than that:  we have a gift. A gift so unique to us that there is not one other person that possesses the exact combination of gifts. Once we find that, we can align with our soul, so that we can be led by it and live a purposeful life and be an indispensable part of this beautiful puzzle.

Love Above All

 No matter the question, Love is the Answer. Loving ourselves first and foremost. Easier said than done, I know. It took me 47 long years to get to that point. It’s a journey in itself. Once we manage to do that, though, we can expand the vast amount of love that our heart holds to everyone and everything around us.

Infinite Sacred Abundance

It’s hard to put this one into words. There is so much beauty, so many resources, unlimited potential, spaciousness and timelessness that surrounds us. The Universe/Goddess/God/The Great Mystery – whatever you want to call it – is limitless and infinite in co-creating with and providing for us.

Nurturing My Family

The deepest love I have in this life is for my family: my husband, my son and my daughter. They are my rock, my joy, my reason. It brings me utmost joy to love them, to care for them, to cook for them, to create and maintain a beautiful home for us, travel and have fun with them and grow with them. I believe that the strongest resource we can have to ensure a meaningful future for the generations to come is strong family units and communities.

Guided by My North Star

Once we are aligned with our Soul, it is a beautiful journey to walk towards our own North Star. Keeping in mind every step of the way why we came to this life here and now. We are here to share our gift with the world. We owe it to ourselves and to humanity.

take the next step..

It is time to stop sabotaging your life and start believing in yourself?

It is time to stop making excuses and start making moves!

Your Soul awaits

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Do you feel that heart-centered and soul-aligned mentoring is the next step to up level your life? Find out if we’re a good fit, no strings attached!

a few more



I often stay that if I was at least ten years younger, I’d study to become a homeopath and clinical herbalist. I am deeply devoted to help people heal themselves. I am trained as a folk herbalist and have been healing my family with herbs and homeopathic remedies for a couple of decades, but I am not certified.


My family! My husband, my son and my daughter are absolutely everything to me. They are my biggest supporters, cheerleaders and teachers. I also couldn’t be where I am today without my mentors, who helped me stay on my path – I’m honored to call many of them friends today.


I regularly cook traditional Hungarian dishes (and some Romanian ones that I learned from my husband’s family). But, as a family, we enjoy all sorts of different ethnic cuisine. Our daughter is a budding chef and we love to explore new recipes and techniques together.


I have the most eclectic taste in music. In my teens my music was all about the lyrics, then I went through my country and folk phase; always loved jazz, and the last decade or so my faves have been Nakho and the Medicine for the People. But my all time fave will likely remain Leonard Cohen.


Anywhere with water…be it ocean, the sea, river, waterfall, lakes….my body comes alive when I see and feel water. I love meeting people living their daily lives and enjoy amazing authentic food.


Guiding women to connect to their deep wisdom within, so that they realize they can create anything they want. The biggest gift we can all bring to the world is to be our true authentic self and do the ‘work’ we came here to do.

my story


For centuries, women have been seen as Water Carriers, both solid earthen vessels, and portals to the deep wells of wisdom.  From where I stand now on the high mountain of my home on Salt Spring Island, overlooking the abundant waters of the Salish Sea, I look back and ponder how I got here. 

Did I always know that I come from a long line of sacred feminine wisdom? 

When did I first taste the deep wells of intuition and abundance that I can tap into when needed?

The most profound and deepest message I received during a deep transformative dive into my soul waters was this: “You have the power to heal yourself.” It was immediately clear that the message was not only for me, but for each and every one of us.